NightCafe (NC) offers credits in multiple ways: buy them in packs, purchase a monthly subscription, or earn them by interacting on their site and on social media. So let's break down which ways can garner the most credits in the shortest amount of time (because after all, it takes credits to create, evolve and enhance images, and for most of us, buying credits and feeding our "addiction" is not in the budget! ). You get 5 free credits daily - don't forget to collect those too. **NOTE: this info is current as of Oct. '22 and subject to change.
Earn with A Social Media Account
NC allows you to earn 30 credits per day with your social media accounts. There are specific requirements you need to pay attention to when sharing, so be sure to read the requirements for each social media platform. NOTE: It's 30 credits per day, not per platform... so my suggestion is to pick one (Twitter, Instagram, TikTok) and post 10 posts to that platform only. If you go over, you won't get the credit, but you will get a message in your inbox telling you that you've exceeded your daily limit.
Don't have enough followers yet to qualify? No worries! The easiest way to find new followers for IG or Twitter is to just search using the hashtag #nightcafe. You'll find tons of people (growing by the hundreds lol) that will be happy to like your creations if you are following/liking theirs! On IG the number of comments that begin with "DM us..." can get annoying, but just ignore or block them. You can find me on IG here: AlteredUrbane
Earn Credits By Earning Badges
When you first get started, NC has quite a few badges you can earn right off the bat (I say it's so you'll get hooked and stick around lol) and then there's the "Pie In The Sky" ones that are going to probably take a lot of time, popularity, and spent credits to earn ( like 50 credits for getting 1000 likes on a single creation). Here's a breakdown of some of the "newbie" badges and credits you can make part of your goal in the first weeks...
Like 10 creations 1 credit
Like 50 creations 2 credits
Like 100 creations 5 credits
Like 500 creations 10 credits (there's no cap on the number of likes per day)
Publish 5 creations 2 credits (also for 10 and 20... another 2 credits each)
Publish 100 10 credits
Get 10 likes on 1 creation 2 credits
Get 50 likes... 8 credits
Here's the thing to remember: NC is an interactive site that is optimized by creating/following/liking/commenting on a regular basis. When I started, I purchased their basic monthly subscription, and then burned up a lot of credits learning how to create images that were "good". I also didn't have an IG acct connected, so literally for the first month, I was at the mercy of badge requirements to earn credits. Turns out, it was worth it, because it gave me the incentive to get to know some other great creators on the site.
NC will notify other creators that you follow, as a way to prompt them to follow you back, BUT that's only 10 per day. LIKES do not get notifications, but COMMENTS DO. And being interactive + creating "cool stuff" can definitely pay off! Below is the list of badges I've acquired so far (the ones with the strikethrough line), along with the ones that I still have my sights on...
Final word: The fastest way to get daily credits is to share your creations on social media. If you do that, you're basically guaranteed 35 credits per day. Because I use my creations for items I post for sale on other sites, I invest the time. I usually spend 1-3 credits creating/evolving an image and another 2 credits to enhance it, which means at most, I'll get 5 images suitable for download per day...and that's on a good day, when the Gods of StableDiffusion are working in my favor! You're not required to interact, and for some, it just might not be their "thing". That's okay too. It just might cost you more in actual $$ if you don't want to wait for those daily free credits to add up.
**Update: NC has added a new way to earn credits: Participating/Voting in their Daily Challenge You can try your luck at creating an entry for the 1-word daily challenge (there are several prizes) and/or you can earn 2 credits every day just by voting on the entries.
That means, at a minimum, if you are logging in and interacting on NC daily, you can earn 37 credits per day!